I humbly welcome you to the all-new @braxtonmedia website! Building on a fantastic 2022, I’m embarking on new challenges for 2023. My admittedly ambitious plans are to shoot more content and travel to more amazing places. Not to worry, I’ll still be available for special drone missions and graphic design projects between destinations. To make all this possible, I’m offering limited edition canvas prints and gifts via the shop tab on my website!

Building on a fantastic 2022, I’m embarking on new challenges for 2023!
In 2023 I am stepping further out of my comfort zone. I am using my gifts to create and share positive images of people of color at every chance. I’m visiting more destinations to stretch my mind and creative capabilities. With your support and the power of social media, I’m taking you along with me for the amazing ride ahead.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your support and encouragement. I am stretching myself by stepping out on this journey, and having friends in my corner means a lot to me.
Here’s to 2023… let’s goooo!
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